Trophy Scan
Benefits & Scoring
For over 100 years, people who measure and record deer have used one tool to do their job: a tape measure. Trophy Scan doesn’t eliminate the need for official scorers but rather provides them with a faster, more accurate, and more fun tool for scoring and recording notable game animals for historical purposes. Once animals are scanned and digitized, they can be measured using any scoring formula available, Trophy Scan’s Total Volume scoring method. Then trophies can be automatically catalogued for easy digital storing, filtering and cataloging later.

For insurance purposes, replacement cost estimates, appraisals, and peace of mind use Trophy Scan to inventory your precious trophy mounts. Keep the information on file and use it for 3D replacement mounts and other items. Contact us for a quote on an entire trophy room scanning.
Virtual Trophy Room
We know some homes just aren’t built to accommodate certain trophy displays. And at some point, your trophy room may run out of room. Whatever the case – using Trophy Scan you can create a virtual trophy room with your exact, individual trophies to display digitally – on your phone, tablet, PC or big screen. Even if you have all your trophies mounted, you can still have them stored digitally to take them on display anywhere you go!

Replication for Museums
Trophy Scan is a great tool for the replication of bones, parts, and pieces for museum and education facilities. Imagine being able to perfectly replicate a vertebra from a dinosaur skeleton millions of years old, and do it faster, less expensive, and more accurately than other methods? Trophy Scan can easily replicate scale models of animals for classroom studies. If you need it, chances are we can make it.
Inventory Tool for Game Ranchers &
Much like a fingerprint, each big-game animal’s antlers or horns are unique. With Trophy Scan’s 3D BioPrint technology, game managers can record animal’s antlers, horns, hooves, body, even teeth to chart and monitor progress. Once an animal is scanned it can be useful as evidence for law enforcement poaching cases.
A Superior Scoring System
One of the greatest benefits of Trophy Scan is its ability to accurately score an animal to the 1/100th of an inch.
Trophy Scan is becoming more and more recognized by scoring organizations as a standard for scoring and is used across the world at our registered scanning sites, ranches, and in the field to help hunters determine the score of their harvest within minutes.