Native Habitat
Native habit creation and restoration services. From old field management to strips on the edge of fields to lessen crop browse pressure. Are you tired of mowing 5 acres? Whether you want to replace two acres of your land with pollinator habitat or convert that ten acre hard-to-farm area with Native Vegetation, Ripping It Land Management can help by finding the right program, seed and seeding method to make your habitat a success. From bees to butterflies to nesting pheasants, we can help you achieve your conservation goals.
Prairie strips are a conservation practice that protects soil and water while providing habitat for wildlife. The STRIPS (Science-based Trails of Row crops Integrated with Prairie Strips) team has been conducting research on prairie strips for over ten years and we have shown that integrating small amounts of prairie into strategic locations within corn and soybean fields -- in the form of in-field contour buffer strips and edge-of-field filter strips -- can yield disproportionate benefits for soil, water, and biodiversity.
Let's get native!