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HogEye Camera System

HogEye Camera System

Regular price $2,199.00
Regular price Sale price $2,199.00
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HogEye Camera System


HogEye cameras protect your land and other investments from feral hog damage. As a stand-alone system, HogEye cameras are an effective scouting tool that can be used to remotely monitor bait sites, keeping human influence and scent to a minimum. Used in conjunction with your own trap, HogEye allows you to trap on your schedule and takes the guesswork out of traditional manual traps. You can monitor and control your trap from your smartphone or other device, so you know when you have hogs in the trap—never check an empty trap again. Also works in many other wildlife trapping and monitoring applications as well. Trigger System (required) sold separately; also works with your existing trigger system. Data plan required for use (managed through the app); can be billed in 30-day cycles. The owner creates the account and can invite multiple users to view the camera and operate the trap.



Brand: HogEye
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